Saturday, August 7, 2010

Atomic City

Day at the Park

Boss gets ticked while trying to put on his flip flops with this socks for some reason it just never works

Don't worry Morgan's not dead in this picture she just looks like death! That's how they sleep at night. Boston is usually right there too.

The one eye brow raise

Boss loves to ride his trike. He always tells people to check out his cool bike!

A Short TourThe ice rink Joe will be spending lots of time at during the winter. Apparently there are bears that spend a lot of time there too! yikes!

There was a fire here years ago that came close to burning the town down. You can see its still recovering.

One of the security check points to get to the lab

The Lab
There are a ton of different buildings but we think that is the main one. (At least it looks the best)

Ashley Pond's Pond
Main Street

Public Library (we do not live in Mesa, AZ its the just Mesa library )

This is where Joe's office is

This is Joey's new scooter. Boston loves it!
(you can see the "quad" behind that's what everyone lives in, its weird)


jacblanch said...

Denver is SUCH a pretty baby! Los Alamos looks like a cute little town. Miss you guys! <3 :)

Jenni said...

We hope you guys are getting settled in and doing well!! Denver has grown a lot since we saw you in May!!

Mindy and Kelsey said...

Holy Smokes! Denver looks just like Morgan! Another McDaniel. Glad you finally posted. It makes me want to head your way soon!

Brynn said...

Dnever looks like Boston!! She is such a QT and boston is handsome and looks really fast and cool on his tricycle, I wonder if he is the fastest boy in town?!
I love the pictures now its easier to know what things look like when your talking about it. I can tell you used your new camera on some of those photos- Im curious what you think about that 250mm you have.
Hey we got the package, I know I owe you money but I have no idea how much now, Im doubting you do eiethr. I have to say the smarties were a HUGE HUGE hit, did you know they don't sell them here? We haven't had them in YEARS. Such a great treat for kids! Thanks so much!

sarah said...

WE love you. We miss you. This is from mom marsha. Thanks Morgan for getting stuck on playground equipment and for living your life on the floor. Thanks for loving your family with all your heart. Thanks Joseph for working billions of hours to give your family the riches of eternity. You are as beautiful as your Boston and Denver. wow. that's your backyard? No wonder you have black bears in your garbage. lytm.